Unconscious Bias Training for Management, Page 7 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

688 reviews

  • 74% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 2% 1
very good

its just reminds you not to judge people and everyone has different talents which help to make the team more diverse in the decision making process including working with others makes use stronger as an organisation to deliver services to our customers

Common Sense once you focus

No summary provided

Insightful on your own behaviour

It stops and makes you think how you interact with others and the consequences associated with that action. Refreshing that it shows an appreciation that we all have bias which is quite naturally and that we need to acknowledge that and retrain ourselves where necessary.

Useful reminders

I thought this was valuable but would want to flag the question that suggests we shouldn't use past experiences to make future decisions. I know that you are suggesting we should use evidence ..... of course .... but often evidence isn't fully available for everything.There are plenty of scientific papers to say that using past experiences to make judgments is essential - this happens in sport and business all of the time. I think you need to improve the framing of the question.

Unconscious bias is everywhere

A reminder that unconscious bias permeates every area of our lives. The managers course gave a useful insight into how unconscious bias could influence recruitment, performance reviews and promotion opportunities and the pitfalls that must be avoided

Thought provoking and useful

The content of this was excellent, but there was a lot of repetition, and the message could have been condensed in to a shorter course.

easy to follow and understand

No summary provided

Interesting, knowledgeable, eye opening

It was good to make people of the unconscious bias that we have as humans and once we are aware of them we can challenge them and make better decisions.

Very informative

Enjoyed the speaker good to listen to and didn't feel I was "talked at."

excellent training

something all managers should completen


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