Unconscious Bias Training for Management, Page 6 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

688 reviews

  • 74% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 2% 1
Some good points are made

overall, a good course and some interesting theories put forward. It would be good to reduce it in content and actually have an opportunity to engage more in tasks/ exercises as we are watching videos.

Useful and thought provoking

It was a useful resource to consider the importance of self-awareness and challenging my decision making. Also, for preventing silo operations in business, which can be all too common.

Very informative and well explained.

Though provoking course, which should act as a catalyst to consider unconscious bias. Fortunately we have already implemented and follow the recommendations regarding recruitment.

a touch too long

No summary provided

Couldn't hear very well

I found the sound way too low and struggled to hear the training despite the volume being set as high as possible. My computer lost connection when I was on question 20/20 and when I re-connected it said that I had completed the test despite not answering the very last question.

You just never know what people think!

No summary provided


Basic overview of unconscious bias. Same woman talking all the time - could have been a little more interesting with others included in session delivery.

A bit too long

The training was interesting and thought provoking but as I had previously done Unconscious Bias classroom training quite recently, I found the on-line training a bit lengthy

Clear and insightful

A great start let's keep the topic alive in the business!

Clear, concise and very helpful

Surprisingly insightful training. When I consider myself not to have many bias the training proves that we all do unconsciously. The trainer in the video presented very well and the formatting very modern and easy to follow. Appreciate that it is difficult to make online training very interactive, but more tasks or questioning would increase effectiveness. I have used other training suites where you have to match words and terms up for example which keeps the users concentration. However, overall - very good training.


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