
Exploring and investigating topics using credible sources and subject matter experts.

The journey begins with our researchers who explore every aspect of a topic, gathering together information from far and wide and passing this on to our script writers.


Consolidating our research and connecting it all together with a coherent storyline.

Our script writers spend a few weeks making sense of the research, organising it into neat parcels of information, and connecting it all together in a coherent storyline.

Once they’ve finished a first draft of their script, they have a full readthrough. This is where their script is read out to a group and it gets picked apart, line by line, to make sure it’s factually accurate, makes sense, and is interesting and engaging enough.

Following this, edits are made, more read throughs may be scheduled and then, finally, the script is ready to be sent to the animation department.


Visualising the script and depicting how the story will be told shot by shot.

Our animators will read the script, storyboard their initial ideas, and then sit down with the script writer, making sure that their ideas are true to the spirit of the script, complementing the writing and not contradicting it.

Just like the script writers, the animators work is subjected to a series of reviews where it’s pulled apart, frame by frame, to make sure it truly reflects the high standards that iHASCO expects.


Capturing the raw footage of our presenters delivering the final script to camera.

With the script and storyboard signed off our production team pull together the presenters, actors and props required for filming at our dedicated studio in Henley.

We rely on a raft of skilled individuals to make it all happen on filming days and these are overseen by the lead animator and script writer.

Each of our courses is presented by one or more of our professional roster of presenters. Their backgrounds include Film, TV and Advertising roles.

Meet our presenters
Three of iHASCOs course presenters
One of iHASCO's animators working on a course.

Animation & editing

Blending animated graphics together with our original presenter footage.

Our creative team take the raw footage from our presenter and actor filming days and compose it with animation, graphics and audio to create the vision that was described in the storyboarding process.

Depending upon the intended outcome this might involve illustration, motion graphics or even 3d animation or a variety of other post production techniques.

Quality review & continual improvement

A final quality review ensures that all our courses reflect the high standards we set.

We pull apart new courses, frame by frame and word by word to make sure they are the best we can deliver. This process creates a positive environment for praise and constructive criticism and is always framed by three key questions: Is it engaging? Is it simple? Is it useful?

In addition to pro-actively soliciting feedback from learners after they complete a course, we also regularly review our course content to ensure it's accurate and up to date and refresh courses to ensure they continue to look great.

Why not listen in on our internal quality review of our Modern Slavery Awareness training course.

Ready to get started?