Safeguarding Children Training, Page 3 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

8069 reviews

  • 84% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
A good way to refresh knowledge

No summary provided

Very thorough and informative course

I was surprised just how many types of child exploitation and bullying there are. I thought that I already knew pretty much most things about safeguarding that there were to know, having completed several training courses on this previously over the years, but I was unaware that some of the things that I have seen on the news over the past few years have now become more commonplace, and are, actually, now posing more of a risk to our younger people. The course was clear to understand and follow, extremely informative and I feel that I know how to respond with confidence, if faced myself with any safeguarding situation in school or college, as I work in both settings currently. One criticism that I have, however, if I may, is that I found it took a lot of time to work through properly and diligently. It was difficult to take so much content in in one session, and I found I needed to have regular breaks and come back to the course over a period of days, in order to stay fresh and focused on the various topics. But on balance, in view of the importance of this training, it is probably necessary for it to be so long. I found the Respond, Report sections excellent.

Need more on children with disabilities

Too often a diagnosis of disability, clouds the workers thinking about the child possibly being at risk of abuse or abused. Particularly when there are social and health development issues, and the child or young person's cognition is impaired - disclosure may be recognised through play and concerning common signs are blighted by the worker not thinking critically or trusting their gut feeling.

Very comprehensive

Maybe could have been condensed a little

Great course. Well delivered and easy to

No summary provided

Very informative and the delivery was ve

A very useful training course where the delivery was very good. There was some information overload but it was manageable for me.

A good introductory course

A good introductory course if you haven't done any safeguarding training before. I felt there was too heavy a focus on the different types of abuse, I feel this section could have been summarised or shortened and more focus could have been given to the recognising and reporting section.

Clear, simple, and motivating.

The course was very clear to follow, it was motivating to get some feedback during the sessions. The content was written and presented in a way that was easy to absorb. The only reason for 4 stars rather than 5 stars, is it would be good if you could choose the same course, but one that related specifically to Scotland, as there are different laws relating to safeguarding here, and although there were links to the different legislation in different countries, it would be easier if you could choose the branch of the course that related more to the country you were working in, so the legislation and policies naturally related to the location you were based. Overall though, it was excellent.

All explained well

This course opened my eyes to a lot regarding children at school.

more thorough

much more in depth information than with previous safeguarding training


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