Safeguarding Children Training, Page 3 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

8069 reviews

  • 84% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Lengthy in depth course

The on line course was well presented . However I think it was too in depth for our basic volunteering role at a service who deals mainly with adults . Also it would be helpful to be able to skip straight to the test . Volunteers give their time already and these courses are very lengthy .

Not appropraite

The course is designed for those looking after children eg: carers, teachers etc. Far too much irrelevant information for someone just working on site.

Downplays issues of patriarchy and power

This course is let down by an unwillingness to acknowledge fully the impact of patriarchy and power dynamics. Most abusers are men - it puts an unhelpful slant on the nature of abuse by implying it is as likely to be perpetrated by women as men. I also found it very disturbing that we are encouraged to 'go with our gut'. We live in a society that encourages us not to make a fuss, particularly if it means reporting someone in power - more often than not a man. Therefore, our guts are more likely to try to downplay or minimise, than to tell us we should speak up. It would be far more helpful to encourage learners to practise self-reflection.

slow, monotonous death by video

an important topic to cover, but found the pace really slow and monotonous , too many videos . this course is ideal for somebody that have no awareness of the subject, but for somebody that's been involved with the topic for many years a bit too long ,

too much content for one course (sorry)

as above too much content, and does not really fit my job role as I don't work that close to children.

Needs to be shorter.

Takes too long to complete. Could be a lot shorter and very repetitive.

Was looking for new information

Find it tedious to be doing these same modules over and over again with only the same certificate being awarded and no real or tangible qualification.

I thought this was a bit basic

Would be good to have some more specific examples of the types of situations staff are likely to face in our context

Too simplified and too long.

The design with so many graphics and trains etc seems to be aimed at children. We are professional intelligent adults who could have learnt the same information in half the time with half the cartoon effects and fonts.A longer session does not mean it is better value for money. Know your audience.

Nothing new

There was no new information in this course and as such was a waste of time. The quiz at the end seemed to assume that my favourite drink is paint. We are professionals and I resent this kind of under-pitching.


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