Working at Height Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

3302 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
lacks technical

Not as in depth as many other working at height courses ive compelted before. felt very basic.

Informative But Overwrought

It was an overflow of information and the visuals provided in the videos were overly produced where the content didn't make much sense and didn't help me absorb the information

Not really relevant to my work

This course was mandatory for me, but I work in a library and I only use a kik step (which is about 50 cm high) so the vast majority of the slides were simply not relevant to me. I imagine they would be great if you work on a building site or some kind of trade, but we would have been better off with 10 mins of in house training, just on kik steps. There were a lot of words in the course to say not very much; it could have been made much briefer and still got the message across.

Long winded

Verry inappropriate Long winded Sentences in questions don't make sense Find my self struggle with test due to not worded write Found my self struggle keep eyes open Rated 2 for politeness

Not applicable to my role

It was a waste of my own time at home (not paid) the only useful part for me was using stepladders safely which is important. The rest was for the building trade.

Good course if relevant

Not relevant to my job and lots of repetition from other courses.

Aimed at building trades

It's a very well delivered course, as are all IHasco courses. It's not aimed at office workers where we would only use stools and steps. It extremely long at 39 minutes and could have been 5-7 minutes at the most. It covered ladders (not steps) and had a lot of detailed sections on: Emergency rescue plans, scaffolding, motorised platforms, scissor lifts, cherry pickers, hop ups, podium steps, trestles.

Don't really work at highs

No summary provided

Fat fingers

I should be able to confirm my answer in the test and not proceed once a button has been press.

If test first no need to waste time

An option to take test first would negate unnecessary time spent on course


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