GDPR Advanced (Management) Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.4

828 reviews

  • 63% 5
  • 19% 4
  • 11% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 3% 1
Too much information

For an online course meant for giving an overview of GDPR this was ridiculously over the top. If that much information is the requirement of the trainee then a full day course would be the most appropriate option for them. This was very poor compared to the many over iHasco online courses.

Beyond my job description

This is a good course for anyone who's job requires this knowledge. As I will never use anything I learned in this course in my job, most of the info will be forgotten.

Time consuming

No summary provided

Too indepth

Far to specific for someone in my role. We just need an overview.

far too much information in one go

Should have been broken down into smaller units

Long and repetitive

Too choppy and broke up, repeats too often. Could easily just read the transcript. Forcing the click a button every couple of minutes style of learning treats people who are receiving the training like they are untrustworthy idiots. The presenting style was also condescending.

Uninspiring and tedious

There is far too much information, all of it delivered by one person talking at you, which is not best practice for enabling people to take it in and process. Being 'talked at' like that is not a good model for learning. I find the quiz questions often are worded in a way that deliberately try to catch you out - this is totally unnecessary and again, not an effective method for learning.

More complicated than it needed to be.

Much too higher level for what is required for my role.


No summary provided


Went on far too long I loses interest and had to keep going back to it


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