GDPR Advanced (Management) Training, Page 3 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.4

828 reviews

  • 63% 5
  • 19% 4
  • 11% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 3% 1
Unnecessarily long and unengaging format

This training is over an hour of a white man talking at length about things that could have been clearly explained in little more than a single page of A4 or a 10 min video. This is a huge waste of organisational time and resource if all line managers are to spend an hour doing it - let along the cost of paying for the training.Please rethink for next year - give time back and provide more engaging, diverse, and succinct training on this important topic.I'm happy to provide more in depth feedback if needed

Too long - videos not learning style

I learn best by reading, so INCREDIBLY frustrating to be forced to listen to videos which I can't fast-forward or just read the transcripts for. Not everyone learns best that way, so unhelpful to force people into a particular style. Particularly for over-stretched managers trying to fit in around other commitments.


This course is sooooo long & boring!!!!!!!!

Not thought through

This was just a slightly extended version of the basic course, yet you chased me to complete the basic course. Someone needs to get a grip of what you are asking people to do.


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