Infection Prevention and Control Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

2458 reviews

  • 86% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Speed up/ Skip Video Options

very tedious process, would be great to have an option to watch the videos in 2x speed or even be able to skip past the videos.

no mention of covid

Very little focus on prevention or air born disease like Covid and that this can be reduced by increasing ventilation and filtration, wearing masks and monitoring air quality.

Incredibly patronising

Like all your courses, there should be an option to skip straight to the question for those of us who have been in the trade for years...

needs skip option on vidios

very time consuming maybe put a fast forward on vids so can get to quiz abit quicker if needed

Too easy

After many years working in healthcare, I found this course exceedingly condescending. Being able to go straight to the test to just prove I still know my job would have saved time.

a bit boring in places

More than one person stating facts

Detailed Module

A little difficult to follow at times due to the amount of content. I feel this training should have concentrated more on examples in a work place



It was easy enough to follow.

I am very disappointed as to how this course could be transcribed effectively so that you would be sufficiently well equipped to take the test at its end. Given that this is subject of which I had no knowledge whatsoever, the only way that I would have of remembering its contents would be to try to write out what the trainer was explaining as the course progressed. This meant that I was constantly playing catch up, as she was speaking at a normal pace. The noting of the Summaries and Conclusions would have been sufficient to remember only very little so that it could be of use in the test. That I struggled with the test illustrates that I was not able to write everything down as I would have liked to. I suggest that you either provide a transcript in future,or, if there is one already available, then this should be made clear at the start of the course.

Need to not be so quick

I felt it was to quick as trying to take notes and sometimes couldn't keep up


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