Essential Health and Safety Training, Page 318 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

13708 reviews

  • 76% 5
  • 15% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
It was very useful

No summary provided

Good overall content

No summary provided

Very good

The Health and Safety module was very thought provoking and I’m pleased I obtained 85%


No summary provided

bite size but relevant

I enjoyed this training, the presenters were eloquent, the detail was enough to hold your attention, the bite size description of each element of the training had enough information to give you the knowledge needed should you find yourself in any of the scenarios depicted.

It was ok

No summary provided

Its wery good for peeples.

No summary provided

Well done and infromative i loved it

No summary provided


Yes helped

It was OK!

I understand and respect the amount of work that has gone into preparing these videos, and they were great during lockdown situations perhaps, but we're pretty much back to normal now and this training approach is cutting corners! I think this is a 'tick-box exercise for the organisation, to show that we are being offered training, therefore the organisation are only left with assumptions that they have a well trained workforce because we can answer a set of easy questions.Some of the questioning at the end was patronising, a ten yr old could have answered them having not watched the videos.This isn't how I teach, I teach face to face, so I do not like being trained in this way. In fact, I skipped the videos and went straight to the test and passed anyway, so where exactly was the training?


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