Environmental Awareness Training, Page 8 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

3858 reviews

  • 72% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Patronising tone -some content dubious

Stick to facts - which are useful and informative. The tone was patronising, the presentation was school teacher-ish and aimed at a more juvenile audience. Extremely off-putting, especially for people who already have some knowledge and awareness but who want to apply this in the work setting. Some content just not appropriate for work-based training. It is intrusive and impertinent in this context to lecture people about their diet and consumption of meat & dairy. It crossed a boundary into dubious 'received wisdom' about diet and meat & dairy production. Note - I have been a vegetarian for my whole life.

Long winded , padded out

No summary provided

long winded

long winded

Too Preachu & Unbalanced

I am in no way a climate change denier, however I found the attitude to agriculture and fertiliser use too simple and misleading to those who are not involved and very insulting to people like me that rely on it for a living. If you dont have the time and space to discuss properly dont go there, or please be more balanced. Remember we all need to eat, and by lecturing me to eat less meat and dairy is more likely to encourage me to eat more ... Veganism will not save the plant and has some massive environmental impacts too.


Whilst I fully appreciate the environmental impact & importance, the tone of this course was condescending - at times I felt it would be suitable for my 4 year old and primary school, not as part of professional training. Elements were useful - but these could have been condensed into 15 minutes and about half a dozen short clips. I understand you have to justify the content being created, but this did not feel appropriate to the audience

A bit too basic and most of it obvious.

No summary provided


I finished the sections correctly several times and tried to go to the test but a pop-up said I had to finish everything first, which I had. Over three hours of trying and it finally worked , I scored 100% and then the pop-up came back and the whole thing started from the beginning.....Oh and I got an email saying I had completed it!!


As a farmer's daughter and with extensive connections to the farming community I didn't appreciate the insistence that it is essential we all eat less meat and dairy. I would require a lot more proof that agriculture and farming, especially small scale, are causing a problem and would need suggestions as to how we avoid those people involved in farming being massively adversely affected by policies like these, which seem set to destroy their livelihoods.

It's like "My First Eco Course."

This course is just going over the basic knowledge that everyone has already been taught for years. There were no new ideas that we haven't all heard before. The idea of burning less fossil fuel was only skimmed over. There was no mention of better insulation for homes & businesses or moving over to green electricity. A lot of the suggestions are fine, but only if the facilities are supplied in the workplace to start with. What about the company or individual choosing investment options that don't invest in fossil fuels? What about measures the company can put in place to encourage less water/gas/electricity use?

almost fell asleep

find these really uninspiring very hard viewing.


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