Fire Awareness Training, Page 5 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

22220 reviews

  • 76% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Disappointing course

I thought it was far too centred on seemingly (to me) picky details that wouldnt improve my ability of coping with a fire. I think it is much more important to establish in people’s minds the extreme dangers of fire and instil a stronger sense of personal responsibility. I was very disappointed with this course.

Far too long and time consuming

The training is far too long and time consuming! Moreover, I have to watch a training and complete a test about fire extinguishers which has been covered in the previous test…. All this is absolutely unnecessary and helpful for a piano teacher.

Frustratingly slow & poorly structured

The content of the course is important, but could be summarised in less than half the time if the content was not distributed in such a slow, unengaging and repetitive manner.Using simple on-screen visuals, charts, animations, or grouping related information together could make the info far more engaging and much less onerous to sit through, rather than the unnecessary structuring of each each minor theme into its own chapter. But due this drawn-out, lengthy format course participants have to wait for each separate chapter of related course information to load after only about 50 seconds of audio, and then watch / listen to repeated information every time a new sub section of a topic is introduced - types of signage, how to unlock a fire extinguisher, etc. Overall this made the course very painful to sit through, especially when it can take over 45 minutes out of your working day.

too long

No summary provided


No summary provided

Can be covered in Fire Warden Course

There is no need for two separate courses covering the same thing, the fire warden course can cover the material in this course at the same time.

Same content as previous course

If an individual has already completed the Fire Warden course, this course should not be mandatory.

Not fit for what we do

We work at sea this course is not fit for what we do

Too long

Much too long.

Not a great way to learn

Although the information is good it is just generic information and the format is long and not engaging. It is not an effective way of learning.


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