Environmental Awareness Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

3870 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Dry and slow

No summary provided

Simplistic, Repetitive, & inaccurate

Many points repeated to pad out what could be done in 20 mins to 40 mins. Over simplistic ... "saving paper saves trees" ... not when the trees are grown specifically to make paper. Also putting the paper into landfill then locks the carbon back up in the Earth.

biased and devisive

This course was, in my opinion terrible. As a professional who's role includes energy efficiency and sustainability, I found many of the point overly biased and so lack any depth into why these issues occured and what the potenetial social or economic impacts of the changes being recommended would have beyond the obvious initial claim. As is well documented many of the changes recommened have headline grabbing statics, but the followup impact and fall out (or butterfly effect) is missed and so the actual resulting impact of the change is not evident. Also found some of the information incorrect, an obvious example turning kettles off at the plug. Kettles have no standby current as the inbuilt switch isolates the supply, as such turning it off at the plug has no impact at all. Had this course not been part of my companies mandatory training, I would not have finished this course. I am not against Sustainability or the Enviromental impact we are having on the world, but this training did nothing to drive me to change my existing habits nor improve my awareness of the issues, their root cause or how best to address them, both at a personal, company or even global level.


Completely wrong that we are being told to eat less meat and dairy to save the planet, they need to get their facts straight. It is videos like this which is damaging the agricultural industry.

Fine until they started pushing

Fine until they started pushing the vegan agenda

Too long

too long, slow and drawn out. The learning could have been conveyed much quicker.Test at the end was silly

waste of time

Weird use of butterfly effect as if this was a new term. Suggestions were all things everyone has heard for teh past 15 years. Very silly questions that have no real effect on behaviour. Could have put all the 'content' into about 3 minutes. So general as to be useless.

Far too long

No summary provided


it was inaccurate and outdated. a box ticking exercise. if its so relevant why do we not have recycling bins round the office? Are we ISO accredited?

see below

didnt give examples on how to help on a larger scale. recycling and walking to work etc wont help the carbon emissions taylor swifts private jet has created in the past 2 years.


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