Environmental Awareness Training, Page 6 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

3898 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
That's not what the butterfly effect is

No summary provided

A bit political in places.

No summary provided


To long


A little too video heavy.


As above.

Possibly outdated?

Some of the terminology seems a bit outdated such as "climate change" is now preferable over "global warming". The whole thing felt like more of an information dump rather than that many practical examples of how to improve within the workplace. It would have been good to point out that some more modern energy efficient items only make sense to replace one the previous has either broken or is worn out due to the energy involved in creating the new one - for example, don't replace your car every year.

Most of thee course is common sense

Most people are already more than aware of everything contained in this course. Some of it is simply common sense and the rest is something in the news everyday.

Information without studies.

Some of the information in this video is presented as fact, when science is always changing. obviously, humans have had a negative effect on the world, but, telling me to eat less meat and then move to no meat at all is harmful. Red organs and meat are the most bio available food on the planet. To tell people not to eat it could be damaging to their health and development especially in children. I would ask that future videos either quote peer reviewed studies or have opposing views from experts in this field. Also, private jets and cruise liners are as damaging if not more damaging than farming meat which humans have been doing for over 250,000 years.

too long

overall the course and content is fine, just too long. by the end of this i believe 90% of participants will have 'switched off' mentally and just be going through the motions.

more slides than needed

Informative but a little bit long - why have a slide with 2 lines of text


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