CDM Regulations Training, Page 3 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

721 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Trainers and information was very clear

Additional information was to hand easily to read alongside the trainer's video and it is good to be able to go back and check details.

A good brief summary of the regulations

Good narrative and descriptions of the requirements. The questions in the test were good - some could be more straight forward. I understand that this may be difficult as the regulations are complex.

good information supplied

had to read a few questions a number of times to decide exactly what they ment.

there should discipline on site at all t

there should be discipline on site at all times , agency workers should listen to woodland carpenters , and when site manager is away due to illness , a second man in charge should be appointed with right authority , often there is culture among self employed worker they can do as they like . looking at cell phone every 1/2hour has become a bad habit which impacts productivity & safety people wearing ear plugs while working all day listening to music , tel conference !! this is not safe

Videos and handouts very informative

Expected questions in test to be more in depth.

Its a good overview of the CDM regs

For persons with responsibilities under CDM Regulations, more detailed training and experience would be required.

Great course but should be more question

Great course but should be more questions at end off course

Easy to navigate and understand

Clear and to the point.

IT worked more interaction throughout

Presentation Clear but more interaction would help maintain trainee interest throughout.

Refreshed obligations.

Something that I need to refreshed upon periodically.


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