Fortunately, there are good ways to deliver bad news

  • Soft Skills
  • 40 languages
  • 25m

Learning outcomes

  • Understand why delivering bad news skilfully is so important
  • Understand how to "frame" a conversation to communicate kindly and effectively
  • Have the skills to deliver bad news effectively and respectfully

Covered in this course

Course contents

This training course is broken down into 2 sections

  1. 1
    Delivering Bad News
  2. 2
    How to Deliver Bad News

About this course

Life, unfortunately, doesn’t always deliver good news. But there are good ways to deliver bad news. Sometimes we need to share information that will upset, anger, worry or disappoint someone.

If it’s delivered carelessly or unkindly it can add to the pain the recipient already feels, which makes a bad situation worse. Do it thoughtfully and skilfully, however, and you can share the bad news while helping the recipient accept it and move forward with clarity, certainty, and, perhaps, even optimism.

During this online training course, we’ll consider what it means to “frame” a conversation and how misframing can make a positive outcome less likely. We also cover a few different things that can be done to make delivering negative news a more positive experience.

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The importance of Delivering Bad News Training

It's important that you comply with the law and understand the positive impact this training course can have on your organisation and employees.

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