School Trips Training for Management Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

25 reviews

  • 68% 5
  • 20% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 0% 2
  • 4% 1
Not bad

The first two sections were fine, but the third section on costs had little relevance for the ways in which trips are run in independent schools. Overall, it didn't really get down into any examples or case studies of the types of risk mitigation measures that could be implemented - it was all very abstract and superficial.

Clear training. Test limited.

I thought the question re outdoor activity centres was unclear - I gave two different answers and both were wrong. I revisited the training to look at this again and was interrupted at the very end by a 'phone call from school. I returned to take the test (after 20 minutes) and was unable to do so i.e. could not get to the test and training started to run from beginning again!


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