GDPR EU Advanced (Management) Training, Page 14 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

625 reviews

  • 65% 5
  • 25% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Very good clear info

What happened to the nice man !

Well presented.

On the whole, a well presented and consistent course. The multiple-choice test was also useful in helping to reinforce various ideas etc.However, one question appeared rather subjective. This was the 'Shoe Shop' question (data on customers' name, shoe size and height), in which the data was deemed in breach of GDPR rules. Well, with ***customer consent***, I can still see a case for a high-quality custom made shoe business holding such data for regular customers as 'legitimate' to the quality of their product etc.Of course such a business, were it a small business, would potentially be put out of business by the severity of the punishments.

Overall, informative and clear.

I think more case examples could be used to bring it alive. They are used in the test but not the training.I believe (without replaying it) there is an error in the script relating to Collect, Store, Use and Destroy (as the speaker says Disseminate) - worth checking.

Explain GDPR in layman terms

No summary provided

Easy to watch

a great way of getting information across.

Very easy to understand and digest.

No summary provided

Very informative

It was very informative, but maybe too much to remember in one go for some people.

Very clear and concise

Very good in general. One slight criticism is that given it is for 'management', the impression is that it would be good for board members. Board members may benefit from a less simplistic presentation. Also the board members of a typical SME would probably benefit from a bit more emphasis on the accountability aspects.Also the part on requiring a DPO could do with a little more clarification - impression is given that its a good idea to have one when in fact best advice is likely to be to only have an employee named as such if you have to.Finally legitimate interests 'balancing of rights' could do with a little expansion as this is likely to be a very important justification for most organisations.

Very informative

No summary provided

Easy to follow.

easy to follow giving the needed information in a clear and simplistic way.


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