Fire Warden Training in Education Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

1118 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1

No summary provided

Too patronising

Absolutely fine for those who are new to being a fire warden. However, those renewing or are science teachers need a shorter course without the basics that are taught to Y7. I also think quiz questions asking for specific statistics e.g. how many schools have fires each year, are redundant and not necessary for good understanding of fire safety.

Far too long

Information could be given in 30 minutes. 2 hours long is far too long Useful but 145 minutes not needed

Not recommending

This course doesn’t include any specific knowledge about my work place. Is strictly theoretical and will not help me to take best action in case of fire in my work place. Learning a static is pointless for the subject. Lack solid knowledge about how to use fire extinguisher.

Too long

No summary provided

Not particularly relatable

Sadly alot of questions werent relatable and not testing basic useful knowlege. Took such a long time to complete and the long video clip showing people ignoring the fire alarm was pointless.

test first train after

It would be better to test knowledge and then have a more interactive and engaging training for those who fail the test or rate not married to firemen and are bored and waste time on a VERY long test and make silly mistakes and only get 95% due to boredom. My feeling is that most who pass won't remember under real circumstances and you have just wasted over an hour of my time. You are offering this training to educators, consider consulting one of them and also researching how people absorb and retain this really important information...

Very long, very tedious.

This important information could be condensed in to informative bullet point slides.

too long

could do this without the intersection

Fire is hot, yes. We realise this.

This training is far to long and far too basic in large sections. I'd suggest that 99% of people know that fire is bad!Jesus. Time I'll never get back.


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