Epilepsy Training for Schools & Carers Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

302 reviews

  • 87% 5
  • 8% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 0% 1
Good material, annoying pacing

The material is clear and well laid out, with a good structure and flow through the content, each module building on previous modules and with recall and recap well embedded. However, this course suffers from the same issue as many other courses of its type - forced pacing. It's thoroughly unenjoyable to have absolutely zero flexibility in how fast progress through the course is made, and also unenjoyable to have to sit through content you already know and are confident in. Some use of a pre-course test would be ideal to screen out those that already have secure and passing knowledge, and don't need to waste their valuable time completing a course on something they already have expertise in, and would also provide better evidence for the training provider and the training creator that their course actually results in progress for learners who did not have secure pre-existing knowledge. It's not difficult, so it should be there! It would also be nice to be able to vary the watch speed of the videos as per most modern streaming platforms (some of us like to watch at 1.5x or 2x speed as a force of habit that's beneficial) and also to have multiple options for how to engage with the content - an hour of bite size video chunks is not attention holding or engrossing for many learning styles, it's just infuriating!

Test first?

Informative but over-long. It would be more educationally sound to do a test at the beginning to determine if the person actually needs to sit through all of the video clips or if they already have the required knowledge.

Not great timing wise

This course along with Asthma and The Epipen was to repepitive on storing medication, and policy, and school trips. It could of been condensed as teachers dont have alot of time to sit and do these courses. Especially when all staff have to complete them. I am not a teacher, but its how I feel.

Great information and video's

Disappointed in not be able to print the whole complete training video resource summary once completed and passed the course. This is the only online training course I have been unable to do so. I had difficultly login in with my user name and password, had to keep requesting a link access to my training. Not happy about the limited time you have after passing to print -off your certificate. Thanking you. Janet Dibua Student Welfare Officer


I have read and watched other modules created by epilepsy organisations which defined the different types of seizures more clearly. This video's examples were too subtle/similar in definition and confused me and now I will have to revert back to other websites to clarify myself again!

Would not let me take the full test

It would not let me take the full test, I tried multiple times and now I have a very low percentage of completion.

Useful information

Made aware of the different types epilepsy.


No summary provided


No summary provided

User friendly

No summary provided


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