Business Compliance Essentials Training, Page 4 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

415 reviews

  • 79% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
A good introduction / overview

The course summarises the basics that everyone should know. However, more detailed training is definitely required in some areas depending on your job role and position in the organisation.

It is simple and to the point

It does not go on too long which prevents the viewer from losing interest.

Great course and awareness training

No summary provided

a well presented course

No summary provided


No summary provided

Does the job!

Covers a lot of topics at an adequate level with enough participation along the way to keep interest up. Neither too long nor too short.

Nice and Concise

No summary provided

Easily digestible

Easy to listen to, understand and remember

A bit too much, a bit out of date

Overall there was perhaps a bit too much, too diverse stuff covered too superficially in one course. The more in-depth, dedicated ones are better.Also, the cybersecurity section was a bit out of date. There was no mention of multi-factor authentication which is easy, common, and much stronger protection than strong passwords. The advice about HTTPS was also out of date and potentially misleading since nowadays fraudulent sites usually have legitimate certificates.

Educates the employee on strong ethics

Due Diligence, Money Laundering, ICO, Rights of individuals, UK Financial Laws, Waste disposal, Firewalls, GDPR, Types of Cyber Crime, Modern Slavery , Types of Fraud have been v explicitly covered.


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