Abrasive Wheel Safety Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

1350 reviews

  • 84% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1

Not Applicable to my job, unsure why i was asked to complete?



Some good information

No summary provided

Average course

Too much info that was not essential to my day to day job

Course content was good but compressed

It is good to be able to dip in and out and also recap before taking test, however, the course does not seem to carry any recognised bodies' approval. It seems to be iHasco`s own and would not be recognised by major contractors. The content does give a working knowledge to someone training though. Questions at the end seem a little too easy.

Over egged, again.

Completely over the top information for the layman who shouldn't have any need for this anyway. Better off putting people on the correct training instead to filling peoples heads with facts and figures that they will never remember or need.

the course is good but few issues

I enjoyed the course but the test cert did not print off and on Bamboo it states not completed but have an email saying congratulations a little confusing as it look s like i need to re-do

Very interesting course.

Now I more knowledge on abrasive wheels.


Most not relivent to me, I am a field service engineer, only angle grinder.

One size doesn't fit all:

'Abrasive wheel' is an all encompassing generic description for a wide range of powered equipment, yet much of the discussion and at least one of the questions was specific to bench grinders in proclaiming that only the outer edge is safe to use - so what about bench mounted disc sanders, or hand held disc sanders, or hand held angle grinders? All of these are designed for the larger surface area, or 'face' of the disc, to be used for removing material, not the outer edge. Although such tools were also featured this distinction to their use was not made.


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