Mental Health Awareness Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5224 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
The course was easy to follow

I last completed this only 10 months ago so it was still fairly fresh in my mind.

Absence of recognition and guidance

Absence of recognition and guidance about mental health problems caused by long term, insurmountable physical health problems - a major and very surprising omission Disappointed with course

Very long

No summary provided

Useful for everyone

No summary provided

Gave me anxiety

This is another one that is built for complete novices who have never thought about mental health before. Fair enough - great that it exists. But for someone who practices good mental health daily, it was wasted. In fact completing this was the most anxiety I have felt all week; all those stats coming at you for half an hour. Furthermore, there's an assumption there are people to turn to at work. My work anxiety is caused only by the lack of leadership. There is no HR or manager to turn to which is the overwhelming message here.

Fantastic and very useful

No summary provided


I found this more informative this time, or maybe I was just more receptive to its content

Well explained

This course was well explained to make understanding easy.

very informative and a great refresher.

I think this would be a great course to roll out company wide to all operatives and complete this on an annual basis.

It was a good course

This course is really informative about mental health and allowed me to learn about things I did not already know.


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