Mental Health Awareness Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5224 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Gave me anxiety

This is another one that is built for complete novices who have never thought about mental health before. Fair enough - great that it exists. But for someone who practices good mental health daily, it was wasted. In fact completing this was the most anxiety I have felt all week; all those stats coming at you for half an hour. Furthermore, there's an assumption there are people to turn to at work. My work anxiety is caused only by the lack of leadership. There is no HR or manager to turn to which is the overwhelming message here.

pretty comprehensive

Okay questions.

Long for the level of teaching

Waste of time if that is the level of questioning at the end, just give me the questions at the start


No summary provided

Good for most, but not for all

Not useful for those who are ND, or have serious/persistent mental health issues, or already engaged with multiple external agencies and are sat on waiting lists for many years.

Good start but its more than just slides

The tools and techniques are all very well but we need a framework and support in practice too

Rating affected by previous knowledge

Similar to training done at work and church safeguarding

Mostly sensible.

Sensible if mostly self-evident mental health information and advice, clearly presented if rather dumbed-down. As usual with these courses, phenomenally slow pace and trainees forced to sit through the entire video, rather than read and absorb the transcript in half the time. One very sinister bit about sharing your wellness plan with your employer "although it's not a legal requirement" to have one: I should hope not!

Slow course because of using a mobile ph

To carry out a course on a mobile phone ,is just ridiculous, the phone keeps stopping ,the internet is absolutely terrible, very slow and lagging, this needs to be either done on a computer, or a proper tablet, I have noted this a number of times before but we keep getting courses on phones which are not suitable to take a course on. I suggest we have three or four people up at the office at one time and carry out a course on the big screen so everyone can learn correctly and not miss anything out ,and then answer the questions correctly without having to keep tapping the phone as it's gone black and you end up pressing the wrong answer, again this has been noted a number times before, on each course we have done but seems to fall on deaf ears


It is far tautological and repetitive. The presenters are patronising and long winded.


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