Mental Health Awareness Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

5224 reviews

  • 85% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Absence of recognition and guidance

Absence of recognition and guidance about mental health problems caused by long term, insurmountable physical health problems - a major and very surprising omission Disappointed with course

Shift all onto the individual

Its all the individual and never the employer a shockingly one sided course that is employer centric.. so if you think youre workloads unreasonable perhaps you have a victim mentality is implication ..shocking

Waste of time


Not really a MH awareness course

Poor. Content is mostly lightweight wellbeing stuff and not MH awareness at all. Missed a great opportunity to highlight more serious MH and counter myths and how treatments effect people's daily lives. Really disappointing. Also suggesting that people with depression 'should' recover if they seek the right help is unhelpful as risks inferring that people who do not 'recover' are not trying hard enough or trying enough solutions.

Waste of time

Absolute waste of time

Can't skip to the test

40 minutes of my life wasted simply because for requalification we cannot just skip straight to the test and have to sit through all the preceeding bits without even a 'fast forward' function.


Scrolled through without reading and got 95%. Again, I'm amazed you get paid for doing this.

Trite in places, dangerous in others

Three points; The question on CBT is ambiguous, the two answers given are both correct. You must correct this because CBT is far more than just those two minimal domains. CBT is an extremely useful tool which can be used to resolve often crippling mental issues, linking both past and present, creating new pathways of thought which will benefit the user. Whilst CBT is a practice, it is not 'practical', a distinction ignored by whoever sets your questions. 0/10. Secondly, the question about 'job demands' and the subject 'overly pushing themselves' is at best, ignorant, at worst, highly dangerous. 0/10 I cannot emphasise this enough. this is highly dangerous. This subject is outside the remit of this limited-parameter course and should be left well alone. To state that an individual should ''work just outside my comfort zone' is irresponsible given iHasco does not know the variable mental health states of those undergoing this course. To suggest any course of action, especially this one is foolish and potentially highly dangerous, especially without qualification. My third point; Qualification. Any fool can develop a mental health awareness training course. To create a useful and meaningful course however takes skill, knowledge and ability underpinned by qualification. In this course, I see average knowledge, it's not a bad course overall but there are no qualifying statements. There are no references and iHasco unless a registered and approved provider of mental health training services is simply not qualified. Ordinarily this wouldn't matter in the case of say, fire training where most of the information can be obtained from official sources but mental health is not straightforward and I would offer, very much beyond the remit of iHasco when IHasco presumes to make definitive statements concerning the two examples I have given previously. Mental Health is a clinical matter and not one for a limited-scope training organisation. There should be awareness training but no specific or general advice or statements on methods or practice can ever be made. To offer those, iHasco would require qualification and certification. For iHasco to do so is irresponsible and foolish.

Nothing special

No summary provided

Overlong, patronising

Another overly long and patronising iHasco course. The same info could and should be delivered in max 15-20 mins. The multiple choice test at the end misses the point of the training which is to raise awareness not to test how closely people are following the transcript.


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