Safeguarding Adults - Level 2 Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

3868 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Too much info and too little time.

Too much info and too little time. I guess I can say I have received safeguarding training. Box ticked.

Interesting but I’m not intending caring

I have completed what you require and found it helpful and interesting. I’m looking forward to starting volunteering

not always relevant

Think this is more based for someone working in the care industry

It was short and to the point

No summary provided

Useful but much of it not relevant

The course focussed on care workers ŵhereas I am merely on a 2 hour stint once a week to serve breakfast to the homeless

Needs more help to understand relevance

I would like much more to help me judge the relevance of this course. You say "safeguarding is everyone's responsibility" but I am a trustee of an almshouses which does not provide care. Why do I have any more responsibility for safeguarding than a commercial landlord has for their tennants?

Not an appropriate course for my job .

The course was almost irrelevant to my job as a fitness class instructor. it was aimed at carers and care home workers . I feel it has been a waste of time doing this course ...most of which in my work setting is common sense .


I'm sure the course is fine for those who have an interest in it. I don't.

Quite long.

Informative and interesting but a little long.


The content is the same as it was a year ago and I could remember it. It is mainly aimed at people working in the care system, so didn't seem that relevant to the Refugee Council.


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