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Very good information and easy to follow

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Well worth doing

Good course and very informative content.

Clearly explained

Well presented with good graphics which added interest and clarity

Very helpful course

This course will help you be more aware about mental health, it gives you the knowledge on how to cope up with the situation of you experience depression, anxiety or any mental health condition.

Very well made

I completed the Mental Health course today. Over all, these series are all very well made and designed, I can see how much their creators polished the art works. It's not just arts but the wordings and their narrations. Lastly, customer support was also friendly and quick. Great course.

Very clear to understand

Format and content were good enough for me to understand

Informative and to the point – 40 mins

I thought this was a useful summary to help spot mental health issues and how to take steps to deal with them. It was about the right length. The resources page is useful.

Good but can be much shorter

This user gave this course a rating of 3/5 stars

Helpful and interesting

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Informative but a little long

This covers manybasic aspects of mental health management and gives you tools to help best manage your own mental health or recognise poor mental health with ones co-workers. Everything is explained clearly though I'm unsure of realistically, how this can be implemented in most businesses where mental health is only given lip service.