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Covered in this course

Course contents

This training course is broken down into 5 sections

  1. 1 What is Fraud?
  2. 2 Detecting Fraud
  3. 3 Preventing Fraud
  4. 4 External Fraud
  5. 5 Reporting Fraud
A customer service rep speaking to a fraudster - Fraud Awareness Training
The Fraud Triangle explained as part of Fraud Prevention Training

Fraud is a criminal offence. It’s ‘wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain’. It’s a type of theft which usually involves lies or confidence tricks to encourage someone to freely part with their money or goods through scams; or involves a breach of trust, such as misusing company assets.  In this section, we give you an introduction to the basics of fraud, cover The Fraud Act and provide example scenarios.

Why do people commit fraud? We look at behaviours behind fraud.

Most fraud is discovered by tip-off or by accident. And it’s the employees who are the eyes and ears of an organisation. So, this is where YOU come in, as a valued employee of your organisation - you know what’s normal, how things are done and what looks right, and so you are the most likely person to spot what doesn’t look right! And, you know when people are acting oddly or out-of-character. It’s not about spying! Simply about being aware.

An image showing ways you can prevent fraud as part of our Fraud Awareness and Prevention Training.

Everyone should know what they are responsible for and know what this means. This creates accountability and can go a long way in preventing fraudulent activity.  It’s good practice for organisations to have controls in place which make it very difficult for fraud to take place or to go undetected. In this section we look at 5 common principles of internal control.

A depiction of external fraud.

You must make sure you use any software protection provided for you, such as a firewall, virus-checking software, anti-malware and anti-spyware software; and it must be up-to-date. It’s the basis of keeping your data safe - it’s one of your organisation’s main defences against criminals aiming to gain sensitive or personal data, which they can then use in fraudulent activities.

We teach you how to report fraud in section 5 of our course.

It’s good practice for organisations to have a written Fraud Policy stating a zero-tolerance to fraud, explaining what constitutes fraud and the consequences if an employee commits a fraudulent act. It may explain your organisation’s procedure for dealing with a case of fraud, which could involve an internal investigation, getting advice from fraud advisors, or reporting it as a crime.

About this course

Fraud can make an individual or group feel unsafe or as if their privacy has been violated. Action Fraud reported in September 2017 that around 272,980 fraud offences (in the UK alone) had been carried out in the previous 12 months.

According to the Fraud Act 2006, there are 3 types of fraud; 

  • Fraud by false representation
  • Fraud by failing to disclose information
  • Fraud by abuse of position 

Preventing fraud, while increasing awareness of the topic within your business, can prevent monetary loses (sometimes major ones) as well as prevent delicate and private information being shared and distributed. This online training will provide you with knowledge on what the signs of fraudulent activity are, what to do if you encounter fraud and how to raise awareness of fraud. There may not be a strict set of rules to follow that will guarantee you or your business do not encounter fraud, but this course will equip you on how best to manage the situation and avoid being a victim of fraud. 

Chris Miller, a presenter of Fraud Awareness and Prevention Training

Presented by

Chris Miller

The importance of Fraud Awareness and Prevention Training

It’s important that you comply with the law and understand the positive impact this training course can have on your organisation and employees.

Find out more

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*Content which is not English may be machine translated and is for assistive purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of translations.

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Fraud Awareness Training certificate

Download and print

Each of our courses ends with a multiple-choice test to measure your knowledge of the material.

This Fraud Awareness and Prevention Training course concludes with a 20 question multiple-choice test with a printable certificate. In addition, brief in-course questions guide the user through the sections of the training and are designed to reinforce learning and ensure maximum user engagement throughout.

As well as printable user certificates, training progress and results are all stored centrally in your LMS (Learning Management System) and can be accessed any time to reprint certificates, check and set pass marks and act as proof of a commitment to ongoing legal compliance.

What does my certificate include?

Your Fraud Awareness and Prevention Training Certificate includes your name, company name (if applicable), name of course taken, pass percentage, date of completion, expiry date and stamps of approval or accreditations by recognised authorities.

Please note if you are using our course content via SCORM in a third party LMS then we are unable to provide certificates and you will need to generate these in your host LMS yourself.

Fraud Prevention Certificate

915 real user reviews

4.7 out of 5
Interesting and Informative.

Just the right length of time and it was very engaging.

Very easy to follow

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Clear, engaging and easy-to-follow.

Clear, concise explanations of topics; good mix of facts, scenarios and interactive elements; visually appealing style and production; nicely broken down into short video chunks; overall structure of training easy-to-following.

Very informative and engaging

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Easy to understand

Straightforward and easy to understand.

So Good

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very good course. Useful and informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Will do reviews for chocolate....

Oh no! I can't that would be bribery (see what I've learnt!). Very informative and well thought out course. I like how the learning is broken down into manageable chunks making it easy to understand. And I particularly liked how each section has an example of the topic and a multiple choice question. Excellent presenter too.

Why is this training important?


It's important that you comply with the law and know the ways in which it affects you and the way you work.

The Fraud Act 2006 places accountability on those who commit fraudulent acts. If found guilty, a person could be liable to pay a fine or serve a prison sentence.

As an improvement on the Theft Act 1968, it aims to keep up with changing technologies and enables those who are guilty of committing these crimes to be prosecuted.

In conjunction with the Fraud Act, this course incorporates how your organisation can raise awareness of fraudulent activity with how to prevent it from occurring.

The Act provides for a general offence of fraud with three ways of committing it, which are by false representation, by failing to disclose information and by abuse of position. It creates new offences of obtaining services dishonestly and of possessing, making and supplying articles for use in frauds. It also contains a new offence of fraudulent trading applicable to non-corporate traders.

Fraud Act 2006 (Chapter 35)
Explore more on legislation

Business benefits

Fraud is a crime which has a huge impact on individuals, businesses, and the country as a whole.

It’s estimated that as much as £1.2 billion is lost through fraudulent activities every year. But the costs are not only financial. Criminals also target personal data and sensitive business information (not to mention the costs to reputation after suffering a breach of some kind). Fraud can occur from both inside and outside an organisation, so everyone needs to be aware of the dangers, know how to spot the warning signs, and what they should do if they notice any wrongdoing. This course will help you do just that. It’ll help raise awareness at your organisation; helping you stamp out fraud, saving you money, protecting your data, and maintaining your hard-won reputation.

Ready to get started?

We’ve helped over 10,000 organisations easily work towards legislative compliance. Let us help you too.