We’re updating our Environmental Awareness Course!
Posted 7 years ago
Just the other day, a small group of iHascoians sat down and discussed a big title – Environmental Awareness. We’re going to update our current course – and it’s going to be GOOD.
Naturally, we got chatting about current news stories and we were impressed by the recent announcements made by two of the UK’s largest retailers; namely Waitrose.
They have announced that they will stop using disposable coffee cups, which means saving an estimated 52 MILLION of these difficult-to-recycle items in one fell swoop. Keen not to be upstaged perhaps, Iceland have announced that they will ban palm oil in their own-brand products.
All good stuff that will make a real difference.
But creating waves like this may feel out of the reach to individuals or smaller businesses, so we resolved – there and then – to use our new course to prove how seemingly ‘tiny’ acts made by Joe Bloggs and Jane Doe can and do make a genuine difference.
Then we looked down.
We had all printed a copy of the first draft of the training script – some 30 pages. Even worse – we’d only printed on one side. Embarrassing!
So, we resolved to do better. Scripts do not need to be printed at all, as we can all read from a screen… and we turned the waste we’d created into notepads, so those papers live to see another day!
If everyone in the UK recycled just 10% more paper, it would save 5 million trees a year!!!
We’re now actively looking for examples of how you – or your business – help the Environment. No idea is too small. One of these ideas may find its way into our new course to inspire others!
And some ideas may just find their way onto the iHasco Roll of Honour that we’ve created and will be shouting about on social media.
Please send your ideas to lottie.galvin@ihasco.co.uk
- Waitrose – for the coffee cup ban
- Iceland – for the palm oil ban
- iHasco – for reusing/recycling paper and committing to using less
You can register your interest in our upcoming course at any time!
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