A quarter of employees feel discomfort at their desk
Posted 10 years ago

According to a new European survey, more than three quarters of UK employers (80%) are guilty of letting ergonomic workstation solutions jeopardise the safety of employees.
The survey conducted by ergonomic experts Fellowes of 832 respondents found that two-thirds of companies (62%) acknowledge that they as employers have a duty to influence the mental and physical health of their staff; yet 31% of employees are left in charge of conducting their own self-assessments. With over a quarter of those surveyed (26%) stating they experience physical discomfort at their desk daily, it’s crucial that employers seek to better understand the need for adequate health and safety practices surrounding work stations.
The survey found that 27% of all staff raised concerns that their monitor or display screens were inadequate for their needs, with one fifth (21%) completely unaware of any legal requirements when assessing display screens.
Section Six of the Display Screen Equipment regulations 1993 makes it absolutely clear that, “anyone who habitually uses a computer MUST be offered adequate training,” and that, “each workstation must be analysed and effectively risk assessed.”
With only 21% of companies having purchased an ergonomic product to resolve health issues within the past 6 months, we still have some way to go when it comes to promoting awareness around the necessity for DSE training.
A survey of 1,250 people who work in an office found that 64% thought their working environment had a negative impact on their health, with a further 45% claiming their employer did not offer the equipment needed to make them feel comfortable at their desk.
Although the number of people that say their employer doesn’t make accommodations for their comfort at their workstations has decreased, there is a large increase in the amount of physical discomfort or concerns for health that employees have.
Anyone who sits at a desk regularly needs Display Screen Equipment (or ‘DSE’) training. Our training covers everything needed – from arranging your desk correctly and conducting regular exercise, to completing a risk assessment and evaluating your equipment.
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