Elaine Roberts

Senior Creative

Portrait of Elaine Roberts
Portrait of Elaine Roberts
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Find out more about Elaine Roberts

When did you join iHASCO?

Monday the 9th of May 2016

Tell us something we don't know about you....

I once built a metalwork bridge.

What's your favourite food?

Seafood. Preferably served in a little restaurant by the sea.

What's your favourite movie of all time?

The Snowman. I watch it every Christmas eve. It makes me cry.

If you could go anywhere in the world - where would you go and why?

To Norway to see the Northern Lights. Or failing that to the North Pole accompanied by The Snowman.

When you were little, what was your dream job?

To be a commercial artist like my dad. At his work he had an amazing felt tip pen collection. I was very impressed by that.

What's your favourite book and why?

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, mainly because of the brilliant powerful illustrations by Jim Kay.