Unconscious Bias Training for Management, Page 3 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

680 reviews

  • 74% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 2% 1
Useful overview

The descriptions of the different types of bias were good, and ways to avoid/challenge them.

Gentle taster introducing some key ideas

A neat little taster course introducing unconscious bias with some information and reflective practice.


Although do like courses, it does seem like this one was very basic and repetitive and was eager just to finish. it would be better if shorter or had additional information and links etc to maybe equality and diversity, HR, ACAS - what happens when mistakes are made, conflicts especially as it is aimed at managers.

It was ok

Very frustrating that your video’s don’t auto-play so you have to click next and then click to play the video which are opposite sides of the screen. The video content could also be cut if the videos were longer.

Was a bit confused for me but ok

No summary provided

Good but long. more real life examples

No summary provided

condescending and over simplistic

I found much of this to be talking down as if one didn't already consider and try to overcome innate biases. And things like only look at whether someone is fit for the job, ignores how they might fit in and react with the existing team (but maybe that is me showing my unconscious bias/ affinity effect)

Unsure how many key take-away points

No summary provided

Quite lengthy

This was good training exercise however quite lengthy given the subject would be difficult to pick up and drop and then come back to it. Additional documentation was handy to have on this course though.


One person talking at me is a bit boring. By contrast, the courses we do with Educare are more imaginatively constructed.


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