Unconscious Bias Training for Management, Page 2 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

680 reviews

  • 74% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 2% 1

I would rather have time set aside so we can do this properly through training days.Thank-you

very basic light-touch training

Completing this training would only serve as a tick box exercise as it doesn’t do deep enough to cover cultural competences, ways to identify bias, why we have bias, how to challenge ect. The test was very simple and I don’t feel that I needed to do the course to take the test, very rudimentary - sorry !!

The course is bias

The course leader mentions bias between the 2 genders, surely the is bias towards people who don't conform to either Male or Female?

Interesting but not always relevant

Some of the content was interesting and thought provoking (the different types of unconscious bias, for example) but the scenarios used were less relevant for the particular focus of our CPD. The purpose of the training was to get us to consider unconscious bias with regard to exam marking, so it would have been useful to link the discussion more explicitly to an education setting, I appreciate that probably wasn't the intended focus of this session, though!

Repetitive, lengthy and patronising.

Research points such as how much information your brain processed were not referenced. Very little in the course that was not obvious to me so felt patronising. Presenter was good but content not so.


Doesn't make you think enough or challenge you enough. Suspect it will be least effective for those who most need it. The test asks a number of questions about definitions and what A, C and T stand for - but this knowledge isn't what stops people being affected by their biases.

well delivered but too long

Needs to take on board Bayesian statistics and recognise that the empirical work on diversity is complex. Otherwise we all get to live in an Orwellian world.

Too long. Could have been summarised.

No summary provided

Boring and too much stop I’m

No summary provided


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