Lone Worker Safety Training, Page 3 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

1453 reviews

  • 78% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 4% 1

I'm not certain that if someone is terrified by lone working they are the best individual suited to this work are they?

Target audience?

Obvious, over cautious and condescending in places. If the target audience were 15 year olds then I'd understand, but not a mature adult or professional.


No summary provided

Patronising at best

46mins to explain simple ideas and some that are ridiculous in my honest opinion " code words for your "buddy" this is not a 1960s spy movie.

too basic: for teenagers

It's good and relevant, but is a bit condescending for mature adults; I would expect this level to be used for high school students or new young adults at work. Also, I can read a lot faster than the speaker so found it a waste of time having to listen to her before moving on. Having a move on option would be useful.

Needs to be shorter and specific

The training goes off piste and branches into too many aspects of safety. Needs to stick to the core subject and be 15 mins maximum.

This is all common sense

No summary provided

Stating the very obvious

WE have to do these courses but they are patronising and have smug people leading them. Not very helpful and not relevant to my job on the whole

To long

This was the worse one of the bunch, to long, boring. Needs to be condensed

Not relevant to manufacturing business

The content wasn't relevant to factory based workers and out of hours physical working, content was tailored for office, home, supervisor, manager level not for manual workers, I didn't expect to gain life advice on taxi, bus or train travel, for me this didn't directly address "lone working"


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