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Very informative

The Lone worker training was excellent,very informative,easy to navigate and made you think.

excellent –

i found the training excellent , good content and things to consider when doing Lone working and my own personal safety

Very informative

I found the online course really informative and helpful- lots of practical advice. The presentation was easy to follow and 'bite size' good for getting through it.


there should be an option to speed up audio/talking speed to keep people (e.g. with neurodiversity or easily distracted) more engaged and/or easier for it to be followed.

Good course and will use info required

Relevant to my day to day work

Great content

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear Guidelines

I found this course easy to follow and loved that they input relevant breaks into this, which gives you a minute or two to stretch your legs then get back onto the course.

Necessary training

It's good to be reminded regularly of lone worker safety and the importance of being aware of keeping yourself and others safe and ways to protect yourself and minimise the risk of harm to yourself and others.

Informative, a good refresher to knowledge pre learned.

Informative, a good refresher to knowledge pre learned.

A Good Fresher

A Good Refresher