Ali Safarabadi

Account Manager

Portrait of Ali Safarabadi
Portrait of Ali Safarabadi
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Find out more about Ali Safarabadi

When did you join iHASCO?

January 2018

What do you do at iHASCO?

I'm an account manager, helping our customers get the best value from our portfolio of courses!

Tell us something we don't know about you!

I once visited 4 European countries in 24hrs!

What did you want to be as a youngster?

An actor, still hoping it might happen one day 😉

What do you get up to in your spare time?

I DJ at the weekends, play poker whenever I can and the usual hang out with friends, spend time with the family etc

Favourite movie of all time?

Shawshank Redemption! I also really like Bad Boys - 2 films at completely different ends of the spectrum.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

Las Vegas Baby!