Critical Thinking Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

136 reviews

  • 79% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
Clearly communicated

Clearly communicated but possibly broken down into too many steps.

Explained well how to improve arguments

Made me think about how important the evidence is - instead of me just thinking - well I am right because that is my belief. I need to consider why i think that way, where has my argument come from and how to substantiate itGlad there wasnt a test at the end ! There is quite a lot of information in it

Useful way to think

Slightly too abstract to apply easily? Good though

Useful way to think

No summary provided

It was Interesting , relevant

Well put together , an easy watch . repetitive enough to reinforce the key pionts around constructing an argument that is evidence based, true and reinforced with facts and beliefs The organisation and presentation of argument are use full its where many arguments fall down . It is broad appeal but imagery and examples are office based how does this relate to other fields , like land based colleges

Clear and well-presented structure

The main message is simple and clear, sticking to the key message. The presenter is good, and the visual animation is very well done. The course could be improved by adding some more business-specific content and examples. It opens with one, but then becomes more general. This course is a great resource for our managers as we approach our appraisal period.

Some good points

There were some good points but would be better with ways to put them into practice on a regular basis if you do not normally think this way.

Common sense but very well presented

The speaker was clear, the content well structured and generally it was very slick, but i felt the subject matter was pretty basic and a lot of it was common sense

Different ways of thinking

Beginning middle and end to everything you do plus the evidence to prove it

Its a good overview and succinct

I liked the animation and presentation itself. Its quite light touch and I think the topic itself is straightforward enough - I guess it is the development of evidence to sustain the belief that requires most work. But sometimes even if you have a sound/strong belief and supporting evidence, it is individual anxiety and confidence to portray the argument, that can lead to failure to convince others, which I don't think this module really touched.


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