Critical Thinking Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

136 reviews

  • 79% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
Informative, short course

I found the course informative, but quite short. However it did cover the basics any provide links for further information which I have saved to refer back to at a later date.

As the statement below

This course was not as good as a lot of the other courses in my opinion

It was ok

I am already doing what was shown in the video and I think it is common sense to work this way. I don't feel this training showed me anything I wasn't already aware of as I have had to use this way of thinking with ,y previous experience of drafting letters to MPs and public complaint letters where I have to look at all the evidence, evaluate what the evidence shows and provide a honest conclusion to the question asked (belief).

Short and informative.

No summary provided

Not true, too simplistic

The training felt confused between the skill of making persuasive arguments, and self-critical thinking in search of truth. One thing it got muddled is that evidence does not need to be in any way true, it just needs to be believed or convincing to the other opposition. This is an important distinction as this is where a lot of skill in arguing comes - in tailoring your argument to the audience's own beliefs to bring them from theirs to yours. The truth does not always matter in convincing people of certain ideas (as we all know), and is something we should be acutely aware of. It felt far too simplistic to say evidence should be true when we all know how subjective and nuanced the truth can be.

Seems very similar to previous assement

No summary provided

Not needed for an adult

It's a sorry state of affairs if you can't critically think as an adult. The fruit bowl example used was flawed, employers have no moral or legal obligation to provide a fruit bowl to staff. Since the topic is critical thinking, I was surprised that a flawed premise was used. Bizarre.

Wasn’t what I needed to learn knew most

No summary provided

Gets the mind ticking over

No summary provided


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