Sexual harassment can be split into many different specific categories, but generally, they are split into 3 – verbal, non-verbal, and physical.
Some examples of these types of sexual harassment are:
Verbal Harassment
This may involve sexually suggestive comments or questions. For example, making comments on your body image, appearance, or name-calling.
Sexual Jokes
If someone is making sexual jokes whether they are aimed at you or not, if they make you feel offended or intimidated then this would count as sexual harassment.
Sexual Advances
These unwanted advances are a form of sexual harassment. This includes ‘leering’ or unwanted sexual propositions through any form of communication (phone, email, or face-to-face).
Sexual Images
Displaying sexual, explicit or pornographic images may cause offence to others.
Other forms might include making conditions of employment dependent on sexual favours, requests of sexual favours, exposing oneself in front of others, or discussing relations, stories, or fantasies in the workplace