Asthma Training for Schools & Carers Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

361 reviews

  • 86% 5
  • 7% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
Far too long

Far too long. I thought the test was genuinely too long I could read the transcript in a fraction of the time it took the video to play and I could not speed it up I could not skip the video and had to listen to the whole video even though I’d already read the transcript and processed the information.

It kept crashing !

My training kept crashing during the lessons and the test - I didn’t score as well as I could have done ( knew all the correct answers too ) as wasn’t able to access some part of this training and my test correctly

Too long detailed and intensive .

Far too much intense detail could condense much of it and tailored for staff Sadly it is true that due to length most of this will be forgotten very soon afterwards

Good material, annoying pacing

The material was accurate, informative, and well presented. The content was fluid and well structured. However, the absolutely fixed (and painfully slow) pacing was aggravating, especially for a fast learner with a high level of pre-existing knowledge. Agonising, but could easily be solved through the use of speed controls on videos, effective deployment of "Assessment for Learning" techniques to screen learners on their existing knowledge, and the option to access the course materials through multiple media. I would much have preferred static slides for some areas of the course, and for some the video could have been a choice with the transcript more than adequate to extract the required information. Easily fixed, so do it!


The training is far too long and very wordy before taking the test.. Hard to keep focussed sitting and trying to listen. Lots of the information is not relevant to a school environment and our role. The test itself was too statistic based which in our job do not need to know. The training needs to be updated as it has been the same video.

Irrelevant test

Too many irrelevant stats to wade through instead of concentrating on the important point of keeping children safe and what to do if they have an asthma attack. The test doesn't even match the content. Sorry but not impressed with this.


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