DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment) Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

19743 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
see below

This does apply, but the test is a bit like being on mastermind, with the specialist subject being "the obvious"

see below

Content seemed to be of variable relevance to DSE (10 million bacteria vs 2 million bacteria? Dermal flora generally has unit densities of 10^6/cm^2 - most humans have hands far larger than 10cm^2, so this seems wildly inaccurate and hugely irrelevant.)Ensure form submission can be confirmed before submission of an answer (ie: click the answer, then click "confirm" or "send"), currently your answer is irreversibly submitted after clicking any of the multiple choice answers. Erroneous clicks or misclicks are misrepresented as poor knowledge/reading comprehension, leading to a waste of time if an employee needs to retake the quiz.

Allow straight to test

I don't see why it is necessary to have to watch this course every year. I have worked in the public sector for over 20 years and have had to do these courses regularly over that time and so I do know all the content. I would prefer an option to go straight to test and if the score is less than whatever percentage you would expect then at that point be forced to review the course content.

Good content but annoying interface

The need to click next after every short video clip - some of which were only 30 seconds - was very irritating, and broke up the flow of the course. Twenty-eight different segments each of which required an interaction was excessive and quite annoying, and actually broke focus rather than maintaining it.

Dry, Irrelevant content

I am confused as to why you felt the need to mention weight gain as the number one risk of sitting at a desk, a number of times this training deviated away from information relevent to DSE and it was confusing as to why. The training being in short videos made it difficult to follow and focus

The course has far too many sections

Seeing there are 28 sections is really off-putting. Whilst the presentation is professional, it really needs slimmed down into something more bearable.

Too long & tedious

Information content was valuable but took far to long to communicate the key points, as a consequence people are likely switch off and do alternative tasks concurrently or defer doing the training completely. The test was OK. DSE assessment was very good.

Bad foot position, chairs uncomfortable

I have ankylosing spondylitis and this is an arthritic condition in my neck, spine and hips. There is a junction terminal at my feet which is causing bad foot position as it's in the middle of my seating position, chairs uncomfortable to sit in all day with no lumber or arm adjustment, there is no natural sun light coming into the room. I have limited space to use my keyboard so hand / arm position is bad (Normal reach position) and limited desk space.

Way too long.

No summary provided

Too long

Far too long. The same information could have been delivered effectively in a third of the time.


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